How to add me to your birth team:

Click here to see if I am currently available for your due date. If I am, please fill out this form and I will contact you to schedule your initial consultation!

Please note: In order to assure I will be available for your birth, please make sure to reach out at least a month prior to your due date! I cannot guarantee availability

Services & Fees:

Birth Doula Package: $1000
This includes all of the services listed here. If you have a special circumstance and cannot afford the regular price, please email me anyway and I will see what I can do!

Reduced Cost & Free Services: With a referral from a pregnancy center, I can offer low cost ($500) or free birth doula packages. If you are currently receiving support from a pregnancy center, ask them to email me at with a brief explanation of why you would qualify for either reduced cost or free services. If you are not currently receiving support from a pregnancy center and you are struggling financially, I highly recommend looking for one in your area! Use the links below to get started.

Central Texas Pregnancy Centers

National Pregnancy Center Directory

Additional Antepartum Visits: $30 per visit
These visits are in addition to the initial consultation and birth plan consultation. During these visits I can work with you on ways to ease discomfort during late pregnancy and help you prepare for the birth. We can also practice some of the movements and labor positions that you can use during labor.

Additional Postpartum Visits: $30 per visit
These visits are in addition to your postpartum check-in included in the Birth Doula package. Visits typically last 1 hour, but can be longer or shorter depending on your needs. Email me and let me know how I can help! Click here to learn more about what typically happens during a postpartum visit.

Birth Photography: $50
Only available with the Birth Doula package. I will bring my DSLR camera to document your birth and provide you with all the digital files to use however you like. During your birth plan consultation we will also discuss any specific photos you want me to make sure I capture.